BOARDS file - board/port numbers for trace and loader programs

1. Definition of terms
2. General formula to determine loadindex
3. Hints
4. Example for SVR4

1. Definition of terms

ISDN-Interface or PORT :
Every physical interface

addressindex [ 1..64 ] :
The n'th board of this device-type defined, or detected in the
system. There are two device-types.
a) active boards (BRI-ELC) with device ielc
b) intelligent boards (all other boards) with device intercom

The addressindex can be determined in system dependent way
a) SVR4: The linenumber of this board in the sdevice-file
b) HPUX: The index of this board in eisa_config database
c) SUN: The SBUS-slotnumber of the board

loadindex [0..255] :
The loadindex must is used as parameter to a loaderprogram
(e.g ielcload) to load a specific board.

portsperboard [ 1..4 ] :
Depending on the type of board. Currently the following
variants are available
- BIANCA/BRI-ELC : 1 port per board
- BIANCA/BRI : 1 port per board
- BIANCA/BRI4 : 4 ports per board
- BIANCA/PMX : 4 ports per board

portondevice [ 1..4 ] :
Depending on the type of board. Currently the following
ranges are possible
- BIANCA/BRI4 : 1..4
- BIANCA/PMX : 1..4

portnumber [ 0..255 ] :
In the order they are loaded, all ISDN-Interfaces (or Ports)
are associated with numbers (see output of (isistat -i" ).
The order of loading is defined in the configuration file
"/usr/isi/config/boards" together with the protocol options.
This portnumber can be appended to the phone number (separated
with two colons (e.g. =123::0) to select this interface for
an outgoing call.

The "::<portnumber>"-notation is different from the notation
you will find in the boards file or with isistat:
To access the ports via the "::<portnumber>"-notation the range of
values are [0..9] and [a..v] (Port a is equal port 10, port v = port 31)
With this notation you can address 32 ports.

2. General formula to determine loadindex

loadindex = (addressindex * portsperboard ) + (portondevice - 1)

3. Hints

Intelligent boards are prepared for load by execution of the
program "/usr/isi/bin/rd". For every board that is found, a device
is created in the directory "/dev/rm". The devicename consists
of the type of board (bri,briq,pmx ..) extended with the
addressindex ( e.g /dev/rm/pmx4 /dev/rm/briq8 ..).
So this can be used as an easy way to determine the possible

After all boards are loaded, the portnumbers can be derived from
the output of "isistat -i".

When a loader ( e.g. ielcload ...) is executed without
definition of the loadindex, he tries to load all the boards
of this type (as long as there are licenses). The load indices
he was successful at, are printed on stdout.

4. Example for SVR4

- installed Boards and their addresses :
a) PMX , 0xF02000 - 0xF02FFF
b) BRI4 , 0xF01000 - 0xF013FF
c) BRI , 0xF00000 - 0xF003FF

- contents of /etc/conf/sdevice.d/intercom

intercom Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 f00000 f03fff
intercom Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 f04000 f07fff
intercom Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 f08000 f0bfff
intercom Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 f0c000 f0ffff
intercom Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 f10000 f13fff
intercom Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 f14000 f17fff
intercom Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 f18000 f1bfff
intercom Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 f1c000 f1ffff
intercom Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 f20000 f2ffff

- resulting address indices and devices

a) PMX , addressindex : 8 , devicename : /dev/rm/pmx8
b) BRI4, addressindex : 4 , devicename : /dev/rm/briq4
c) BRI , addressindex : 0 , devicename : /dev/rm/bri0

- contents of usr/isi/config/boards

port type loadindex protocol parameter
1 bri 0 u_1tr6_pmp
2 briq 16 u_1tr6_pmp
3 briq 17 u_1tr6_pmp
4 briq 18 u_1tr6_pmp
5 briq 19 u_1tr6_pmp
6 pmx 32 u_1tr6_pmp

Using the port on the BRI card. (loadindex = 0 x 1 + (1 - 1) = 0)
Using port 1,2,3,4 on the BRI-4 card. (Port 1: loadindex = 4 x 4 + (1 - 1) = 16
... Port 4: loadindex = 4 x 4 + (4 - 1) = 19)
Using the 1. port on the PMX card. (loadindex = 8 x 4 + (1 - 1) = 32)

The loadindex must also be used for the trace programs, e.g. (1) to trace the
B2 channel of the second port of the BRI-4-board, (2) the B12 channel of the
PMX board or (3) the D channel of the BRI card, you have to call:

options channel board
(1) bri4trace -h23i 2 17
(2) pmxtrace -h23i 12 32
(3) britrace -h23 0 0

-> If you want to trace intelligent cards:
1. CMD: ls -al /dev/rm
-> you'll see your address indices
2. calculate the loadindex
3. call the right tracer ...

A further description of the tracers you can find in your handbook or when aou
call the tracer with the option -?


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