Quick Reference - SNMP Client Shell - important tables

This note is not a complete reference and might have some faults.
We would appreciate corrections, which could be sent to support@bintec.de.

1. SNMP Client Shell - System Tables
2. Usefull Commands
3. Important tables for handling dialup links (GROUPs: isnd, ppp, interfaces)
4. Routing ip packets - ipRouteTable
5. Set the brick to the initial state

1. SNMP Client Shell - System Tables

Logging in:
login: admin
passwd: bintec

l lists all table names
<tablename> display the table contents

the numbers to reference table names could change from release to release, e.g.
with PROM 2.3 the ipRouteTable is referenced by 19, with PROM 3.1 it is 20.

set/delete/read index variables:
(*rw) create entry: set ALL index-vars (*rw) in one line, e.g
brick> biboPPPType=isdn_dialup
* entries are mandatory
(ro) read only index-vars
(*ro) read only index-var, creates an entry, caused by the creation of another

(-rw) delete entry: set delete-var (-rw) to value 'delete' by typing:
<delete-var>:<inx>=delete , e.g.:
brick> biboPPPEncapsulation:2=delete
or type:
<tablename>:<inx>=delete, e.g.:
brick> biboPPPTable:2=delete
(rw) it is possible to change the entry: set index-var
change entry: set the var at row inx, to value:
<var>:<inx>=<value> , e.g.:
brick> biboPPPEncapsulation:2=ppp

inx can only be referenced after its corresponding row is displayed, i.e.
first display the table contents, than change an index-var or delete a table
entry, referencing its index.

query syntax .. shows possible values, e.g.:
brick> biboPPPEncapsulation?
biboPPPEncapsulation: (readwrite) ppp(1),x25(2),x25_ppp(3),ip_lapb(4),delete(5)

snmp tables
objectname operation description

GROUP administration
system change sysname, contact, ..
bintecsec change passwords
admin change show release,application ports, ..
biboAdmBoardTable change hardware modules, connector type
biboAdmConfigDirTable read only saved configurations
biboAdmConfigTable change save/load configurations
biboAdmLicenseTable create/del edit license information
biboAdmLicInfoTable read only view license information
biboAdmLogHostTable create/del system logging
biboAdmSyslogTable read only syslog messages
biboAdmTrapHostTable create/del trap hosts
biboAdmUsrTrapTable create/del user defined traps

ipRouteTable create/del routing table (create/delete all IP
routing information (UNIX: route/ifconfig)
ipAllowTable create/del access list "ALLOW" for IP
ipDenyTable create/del access list "DENY" for IP
ipAddrTable read only IP-addresses/netmasks of local interfaces
ipNetToMediaTable create/del ARP-cache - MAC address and IP-
-addresses of (LAN)-partners - also
created dynamically. (UNIX: arp)
tcpConnTable change established TCP-connection
(State) (e.g. close a TCP-connection, ..)

GROUP isdn
isdnDispatchTable create/del MSN/EAZ for dispatching incoming ISDN calls
isdn change AccountingTemplate, isdnLoginOnPPPDispatch
isdnIfTable change isdn card (L1 state, set autoconfig, ...)
isdnStkTable create/del D channel protocol stack (L2 state,TEI,..)
normally created by the autoconfiguration
isdnChTable change channels (D, B1-Bn channel, conn state)
e.g. create leased line interfaces
isdnCallHistoryTable read only last 10 ISDN connections/tries
isdnCallTable change active ISDN-connections (CLI, SI, etc.)
isdnDchanX31Table create/del X.31 D channel, created by the autoconfig

biboPPPTable create/del Create/delete dialup interfaces,
leased line interfaces are created by
changing the isdnChTable
(set encapsulation, callback, ..)
biboDialTable create/del dial number(s) for dialup interfaces

GROUP interfaces
ifTable change interfaces (LAN, ISDN)
(resetting interfaces, e.g. when
dialup interfaces are blocked <-> ifstat)

GROUP bridge
dot1dStpPortTable change enable interfaces for bridging (state,..)
dot1dTpFdbTable create/del create/delete/set invalid bridging entries
dot1dStaticAllowTable create/del access list "ALLOW" for bridging
dot1dStaticDenyTable create/del access list "DENY" for bridging

2. Usefull Commands
brick> ?
usefull commands:

s <var[:<rowindex>]>=<val> (set <var> to <val>)
x (toggle rawmode)
y (toggle tablemode)
z <lines> (number of lines on screen)
u <columns> (number of columns on screen)
exit (exit)
l (list all tablenames)
? (help message)

external commands:
ip : ping, telnet, traceroute, ifstat
isdn : isdnlogin
system : halt date

command history:
since version 2.2 you can use the cursor keys (up, down) to access the command
To get the SW version type biboAdmSWVersion, e.g.:
biboAdmSWVersion( ro): "V.2.2 from 95/12/20 00:00:00"

3. Important tables for handling dialup links (GROUPs: isnd, ppp, interfaces)

3.1 Group isdn
3.2 Group ppp
3.3 Group interfaces

3.1 Group isdn

-> check if the ISDN stack is loaded, by the autoconfiguration
AutoconfigState must show the state "done"

inx Index(*ro) Description(ro) Layer1State(ro)
BchannelControl(ro) ActivationRequest(rw) Mode(rw)
TimerT3(rw) UsePowerDetector(rw) NumberOfChannels(ro)
Timeouts(ro) Activates(ro) Deactivates(ro)
AutoconfigState(rw) Autoconfig(rw)

00 2000 "bri2-0" f7
controlled nooperation te
5000 use 3
0 1 0
done on

REMARK: For some PABX you have to set UsePowerDetector to dontuse
To rerun the ISDN stack autoconfiguration set the isdnIfAutoconfigState
to start, e.g. here type isdnIfAutoconfigState:0=start (after viewing
the isdnIfTable).

-> check if the ISDN stack is loaded correctly (should be done automatically
by the ISDN autoconfiguration).

inx Number(*rw) IsdnIfIndex(rw) ProtocolProfile(-rw)
Configuration(rw) SPID(rw) TeiProc(rw)
TeiValue(rw) ClearAllCalls(rw) Status(ro)

00 0 2000 dss1
point_to_multipoint auto
73 no_operation loaded

isdnStkConfiguration: (readwrite) point_to_multipoint(1),point_to_point(2)
isdnStkProtocolProfile: (readwrite) delete(1),permanent(2),d1tr6(3),dss1(4),

-> needed only for configuring leased lines.

inx IsdnIfIndex(*ro) Number(*ro) State(ro)
Type(rw) Bundle(rw) Throughput(ro)
ReceivedPackets(ro) ReceivedOctets(ro) ReceivedErrors(ro)
TransmitPackets(ro) TransmitOctets(ro) TransmitErrors(ro)

00 2000 0 connected
dialup 0 16000
95 1880 0
135 428 0

01 2000 1 not_connected
dialup 0 64000
0 0 0
0 0 0

02 2000 2 not_connected
dialup 0 64000
0 0 0
0 0 0

-> dispatch incoming ISDN calls to the right service

inx StkNumber(*rw) Item(*-rw) LocalNumber(rw)

00 0 ppp "2"

01 0 login "1"

StkNumber -> reference to isdnStkNumber (-> isdnStkTable)
defines the controller to use

- if there is no entry in this table, incoming calls with SI 007 AI 000 are
dispatched to the isdnlogind.
- if StkNumber is -1 the entry is valid for all controllers (stacks).

isdnDspItem: (readwrite) ppp(1),login(2),delete(10),eaz0(48),eaz1(49),eaz2(50),

delete .. delete an entry
ppp .. dispatch calls to the ppp module (-> e.g. for IP over ISDN)
login .. dispatch calls to isdnlogind (-> log in with BinTec's isdnlogin)
eaz<Nr> .. mapping MSNs to EAZs (-> only needed if the remote capi (1.1) is used
with DSS1 and the last digit of the possible MSNs are insufficient
to distinguish the possible numbers. If no mapping is made the last
digit is transferred to the remote CAPI as EAZ.

-> shows the last 10 ISDN calls/tries
check for the CLI (calling line identification -> number of the partner
-> RemoteNumber, e.g. if RemoteNumber shows "212", exactly this
string has to be configured in the biboDialTable as an incoming
(or number for both directions -> biboDialDirection is both or
check, if the incoming call was dispatched to the right service
(DspItem, e.g. ppp -> the incoming call is handled by the ppp module
-> important for IP configurations over ISDN)

inx StkNumber(*ro) Type(*ro) Time(ro)
Duration(ro) IsdnIfIndex(ro) Channel(ro)
DspItem(ro) RemoteNumber(ro) RemoteSubaddress(ro)
LocalNumber(ro) LocalSubaddress(ro) ServiceIndicator(ro)
AddInfo(ro) BC(ro) LLC(ro)
HLC(ro) Charge(ro) DSS1Cause(ro)
1TR6Cause(ro) LocalCause(ro)

00 0 incoming 05/23/96 8:53:20
0 2000 2
ppp "212"
"8" data_transfer
0 88:90
0 0x90
0x80 0

3.2 Group ppp

-> create a dialup interface and configure the encapsulation

inx IfIndex(ro) Type(*rw) Encapsulation(-rw)
Keepalive(rw) Timeout(rw) Compression(rw)
Authentication(rw) AuthIdent(rw) AuthSecret(rw)
IpAddress(rw) RetryTime(rw) BlockTime(rw)
MaxRetries(rw) ShortHold(rw) InitConn(rw)
MaxConn(rw) MinConn(rw) Callback(rw)

00 10001(adonis) isdn_dialup ppp
off 1000 none
pap "remote_PPP_id" "PPP_password"
static 4 300
5 20 1
1 1 disabled

biboPPPEncapsulation: (readwrite) ppp(1),x25(2),x25_ppp(3),ip_lapb(4),delete(5)
entries for ISI/IP (BinTec's adapter solution)
BRICK: ppp ip_lapb x25
| | |
ISI/IP: | | |
SERVICES: ppp tcp/ip2 x25
NOL3;NOL2 NOL3;X.75 NOL3;X.75

PAP/CHAP Konfiguration:
ppp authentication -> biboPPPAuthentication
possible values (PROM 2.3/3.2)
Partner PPP ID -> biboPPPAuthIdent
PPP password -> biboPPPAuthSecret
(only one password for both directions is possible with the BRICK!)

Local PPP ID -> could not be set per partner, but only system wide:
set by sysName (GROUP administration -> only one system
PPP ID is possible with the BRICK!)

Callback configuration:
biboPPPCallback: (readwrite) enabled(1),disabled(2)

Callback could be configured by biboPPPCallback:<inx>=enabled.
An incoming number (partner CLI) must exactly match a "both" or a "incoming"
biboDialTable entry for this Dialup (PPP) interface.
(here: 10001 -> ifDescr is set to adonis).

-> set the dialer strings for DIALUP interfaces

inx IfIndex(*rw) Type(-rw) Direction(rw)
Number(rw) Subaddress(rw) ClosedUserGroup(rw)

00 10001(dialup1) isdn outgoing
"009119673992" 0

01 10001(dialup1) isdn incoming
"09119673992" 0

02 10002(bingo) isdn both
"09119673262 0

IfIndex .. In brackets you see the ifDescr, which you can set in the ifTable.
10001 is the unique identifier for this interface, which is set
by the system, e.g. when creating a new biboPPPTable entry.
biboDialDirection .. very often the incoming number (CLI) differs from
the outgoing!
the CLI of an incoming call has to match exactly the configured
(incoming) Number. To check the CLI, you can use the
isdnCallHistoryTable and/or the isdnCallTable.
check the incoming calls from the configured partner for
isdnCallHistoryRemoteNumber -> this number must exactly be set
in the biboDialTable as "incoming" (or both) number.
StkMask .. which boards (ports) should be used for the calls:
Normally you do not need to set a StkMask, only if you have more
than one isdn stack -> isdnStkTable), you could use the StkMask.
-> isdnStkTable -> var-index: Number (= controller number), e.g.
1. to route calls only over controller 0 (isdnStkNumber=0), you have
to set the StkMask to 0b1
2. to route calls only over controller 0 and 5, you have
to set the StkMask to 0b100001
ControllerNumber: 543210 (from right to left: Controller 0,
1, 2 , 3 .. 5 ..)

biboDialStkMask: (readwrite) binary integer (e.g. 0b1101)
biboDialType: (readwrite) isdn(1),isdn_spv(2),delete(3)
biboDialDirection: (readwrite) incoming(1),outgoing(2),both(3)

3.3 Group interfaces
-> Renaming an inteface
-> Resetting an inteface
Also interfaces, which are created by entries in the biboPPPTable could be
renamed by setting the index variable ifDescr, e.g. with
show the ifTable than do ifDescr:5=bingo
you can set the name of the ifTable (inx = 5) to "bingo"

inx Index(*ro) Descr(rw) Type(ro)
Mtu(ro) Speed(ro) PhysAddress(ro)
AdminStatus(rw) OperStatus(ro) LastChange(ro)
InOctets(ro) InUcastPkts(ro) InNUcastPkts(ro)
InDiscards(ro) InErrors(ro) InUnknownProtos(ro)
OutOctets(ro) OutUcastPkts(ro) OutNUcastPkts(ro)
OutDiscards(ro) OutErrors(ro) OutQLen(ro)
05 10002(bingo) "bingo" ppp
1500 64000
up dormant 0 00:14:13.00
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

This name could also be referenced in every table, which references this
interface, e.g. the biboDialTable, ipRouteTable -> e.g. IfIndex=bingo
would lead to the third entry (inx = 02) in the biboDialTable below

If you have already an entry in the biboDialTable, e.g. the first and the
second entry, which use the default interface description (dialup1) and you
change now the ifDescr, you will see the result also in the biboDialTable, e.g.
instead of 10001(dialup1) you will see 10001(newdescription)

If a dialup interface is blocked (-> OperStatus is blocked) you can reset this
interface by setting it down and up, e.g. to reset the dilaup interface 10002
(bingo), first show the table by typing iftable and then type:

The blocktime could be set in the biboPPPTable.

4. Routing ip packets - ipRouteTable

------- RIP.
04 .. a direct HOST route to, the own IP address of this
dialup interface is

There are three classes of routes:
1. HOST routes (e.g. 04) (highest class)
2. SUBNETWORK routes (e.g. 02, 03)
3. DEFAULT routes (e.g. 00) (lowest class)

o only the routes in the highest class are used
o if there are multiple entries within a class, the entry with the lowest
value in the ipRouteMetric1 field is chosen.
o in the event that multiple entries still exist, the first entry in the
ipRouteTable is chosen.

ATTENTION with biboAdmIpAddr:
if you specify the index variable biboAdmIpAddr, this address is always used
as source address for outgoing IP packets, which originates from the BRICK,
i.e. if you are logged in a brick and make a telnet or a ping to a remote
machine, the biboAdmIpAddr (if != is used as source address for
outgoing IP packets.

If you are using the DIME browser (Rel. <=4.1), the brick will answer with the
address, which is set by biboAdmIpAddr. If biboAdmIpAddr is set to
the brick will answer with the first (NextHop) address, found in the

5. Set the brick to the initial state
you have to do the following:
1. cmd=delete path="/" .. delete all configs saved in the
or cmd=delete path="boot" .. only deletes the boot file, other configs are
still available
2. halt .. to reboot


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If you have comments or suggestions, send email  at support@BinTec.DE